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Tag Archives: small
Located in Pasadena, we’ll be featuring our popular exotics, small animals and a plethora of reptile supplies by all your favorite brands. January 11-12, Saturday and Sunday! Pasadena Convention Center and Fairgrounds 7902 Fairmount Parkway Pasadena Tx 77507 Saturday: 10am-5pm. … Continue reading
Posted in Albino, Amphibian, Animal Ark, Aquarium Supplies, Ball Morph, Bearded Dragon, Blood, Boa, Cat Food, Cat Supplies, Cats, Chinchilla, Corn Snake, Crested Gecko, Decor, Discus, Dog Food, Dog Supplies, Feeders, Ferret, Fire-belly Toad, Fish, Gecko, Gerbil, Golden Gecko, Green Iguana, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Hedge Hog, Kingsnake, Kingwood, Kitten, Lizards, Marine Fish, Peacock Spider, Pixie Frog, Polyps, Prairie Dog, Prarie Dog, Rabbit, Red-eyed Tree Frog, Reptiworms, Salt Water/Marine, Snake, Spider, Spiney Crevice Lizard, Sugar Glider, Sugar Gliders, Toys, Tropical Fish, Uncategorized
Tagged 77507, animal, ark, convention, exotic, exotics, Houston, Kingwood, pasadena, repticon, reptile, small, Texas, TX, vendor
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Another Shot of Our Red-Eyes!
Our Red-eyed Tree Frogs are out and about!
Another Red-eye!
This little guy popped out to say hello right after their misting and feeding.
Baby Bunnies!
These little babies are about 11 days old. Their eyes aren’t even open yet. The mama has been doing a great job at fattening them up for a new home!
Red-eyed Tree Frog
These little guys are tropical critters found throughout Central America and southern Mexico. They’re not poisonous despite their colorful patters. These vibrant colors stay hidden until they feel threatened, then they flash their sides and open those eyes to make … Continue reading